Today I want to talk about mascara. Now I do not have short or thin lashes. My lashes are very thick and long. So I wasn't sure I needed 3d fiber mascara from Younique. However, I was given some for my birthday, and quickly fell in love. I have blonde lashes so you can not see them unless I use mascara. I learned how to use the mascara, your consultant can show you, and it made such a difference that I'll never go back to regular mascara. It is easy to use, easy to wash off with soap. I have longer lashes so this made them really look fun!

This photo shows regular mascara on my right eye (facing the pic) and one application of 3d fiber mascara on the left. This stuff is like magic. It didn't irritate my eyes at all.
While I love this mascara, I want to also let you know they have many other awesome products. They also JUST released a new 3D fiber mascara that is even better than their first. So definitely check out the whole line.
If you want more information or want to order these products go to Cassie is an amazing consultant. She will help you figure out which products are best for you, and answer any questions you have. She truly has your best interests at heart. Please go there now and support small business!!
Many blessings and enjoy the sun!!