This week has brought us some fall like weather, which I don't mind all that much! We took some long bike rides, and played a few rounds of basket ball. Grace has really taken to cooking and baking. I find her searching out kids cooking shows. She also likes to experiment, chop items up and mix them together. Today she made a chocolate chip cookie cake.
My product review this week is a new favorite of mine. This canvas bag, by Tom Clovers, is an essential mommy bag. It is fashionable, big, and has loads of pockets. It also zips closed. It is a high quality, beautifully designed bag. I found that I am able to carry baby stuff on one side, and mommy stuff on the other. I definitely love this bag. You can find it on amazon Here
Some new and exciting things coming up for the blog! I am going to be making a Facebook page to make communication easier. I would love to know what kind of products everyone is interested in, what kind of recipes and crafts people want to see. I also will be featuring some of my crochet items that will be for sale. So stay tuned for giveaways and lots of fun! Thank you for your support as I step out of my comfort zone and explore the world of blogging!