Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Make the Most of Your Day

September is here and school is starting!  We are homeschooling Grace for Pre-k again this year.  She loved it last year and did so well.  This is a fun time of year. It is a great time for fresh starts.  I have been reading a lot of blogs that are talking about ways to help you make the most out of your days.  I have definitely wanted to get better at being productive, and using my time wisely.  However, almost all that I have read, tells us to get up before the kids to have a great start to your day. At this point in my life, not only is this not possible, it isn't a smart idea.  I needed to find what would work best for me, and for our kids.  Here are a few things that have worked for us:

1.  Have a 1 cup rule.  We all wake up at 5am.  Yes, for real.  So the rule is, read, watch the news, play, but let mommy have her cup of coffee first.  They of course can ask for my help, but they allow me the time it takes to finish coffee, to gather my thoughts for the day.

2.  Get dressed.  This is a common theme that echoed through all the blogs I have read.  Getting dressed simply puts your mind in "awake mode."  I definitely get more done in a day after I am dressed.  I would even add to this, have a pair of indoor only shoes.  Wearing shoes also helps keep me motivated.

3.  The last tip, and the one that is my favorite and most helpful, always keep your kitchen clean.  If my kitchen is clean, I feel like I can tackle anything.  Its weird, but try it! The rest of the house feels less overwhelming when the kitchen is clean.  I have tried to start a habit of straightening the kitchen and dishes before bed.  I don't always do the dishes before bed, but when I do, I am way happier, and more relaxed in the morning.

These are things that worked for me, try them and tell me what you do to make your day easier. i would love to hear what helps other people make the most out of their day!

I have so much to learn about blogging, but thank you for joining me on this journey, and because I have been taught that photo's always help, I will leave you with this.....

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