Saturday, November 7, 2015

Life Changing Magic of Tidying up Section 2

I have read through section 2 and want to share some of my thoughts.
In this section,  Marie covers, in detail, how to discard. You must finish this step completely before moving on. She starts off talking about how important it is to do things in the right order. Even more, she says you need to visualize your destination before you even begin to discard. What does this look like? She had one client, who wanted to her space to allow her to come home from work, have a clean floor, have a clean room. She wanted to be able to have a nice bath, listen to music, and fall asleep with a feeling of unhurried spaciousness.
I wondered what I wanted. I want to be able to wake up and have coffee. Be able to home school, and do crafts and fun projects, and not have to focus on cleaning all day. Just feel at peace and feel joy in my home. Once you have decided what you want, then you start the discarding process.
The biggest thing to remember when entering this phase,  you are not choosing what to throw away, you are choosing what to KEEP. She says, keep what items spark joy. When you start, it is important to start on the easiest catagory so you can develop your skills when it comes to the harder things. She suggests that clothing is the easiest place to start.
When starting this process, she suggested that family not be there. This is not really possible for me, but I definitely see where she is coming from. Grace sees a toy she hasn't played with for months, and it is all the sudden her favorite. So this would be a good time for a sleep over with grandma and grandpa's! She says this whole process can take up to 6 months. That is the longest she thinks it should take. I think that is do able. The second section is mostly focusing on the WHY and the importance of the PROCESS. I am anxious to read the next section and get into the guts. I was going to attempt to start this process before finishing the book, but I decided after one drawer, I need to read more. So stay tuned for section 3!! Until next time♡

Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Section 1

I have often wondered what I was doing wrong with housekeeping  I feel like, no matter how much I organize, pick up, clean, there is always more. So I am going into this book as somewhat a skeptic.
In the first section, Marie Kondo, introduces her self, and covers Why we have a hard time keeping our homes in order.  
You can not Tidy if you have never learned how.
She goes on to explain how,  many times we were told to tidy our room, we also tell our kids this, but has anyone ever been taught?  In school the focus is more on Cooking, not as much on Tidying.  I want to note, In Japan "Tidy" is more of a huge cleaning than what I think of when I say Tidy.  This book is going to offer a chance to finally learn how to Tidy.
A Tidying Marathon Does Not Cause a Rebound.
She claims that you should only have to Tidy Once in a lifetime. I can not wrap my mind around this yet. She says that if you put your room in order properly, you should be able to keep your home tidy even if you are messy by nature.  Marie also claims to be a messy person.  I am pretty certain she is not.  She was reading organization magazines in kindergarten.  She states that Tidying needs to be an event.  If you tidy every day, you will never keep a clean home.  I, again, can not imagine how this will work.  Will I really be able to get my home to a point where I can not have to clean every day?  The method she is using, is supposed to have such an impact on you, once the tidying is done, that you will never have to Tidy again.  She encourages you to aim for perfection. She says you will never get your home where you want it if you do it half halfheartedly.  In my mind, this makes sense.  All you need to do is look at each item, decided if you want to keep it, and where you want to put it.  She says, you only need to aim for perfection one time, and you won't rebound.  
Sort by Category, not by location.
Marie gives an example from her child hood.  She is telling us that, if you start sorting clothes in one room, you will have to repeat the process in the next room.  Rather, she encourages taking all from one category and going through it.  She would set goals like "books today, clothes tomorrow."  Again, this makes sense, however, I have no idea if I would have the stamina, or the time, to do ALL the clothes in my house.  I feel like this is something I would need to do room by room.  I am not sure how I will go about this yet.  I know that sometimes you need to look at your situation and adjust. (she actually encourages you not to do this...but she isn't my boss right?!)  I do want to attempt to do this as much as I can.  Maybe like "Kids toys one day?"  
In the last section she talks about making Tidying an event, which I covered above.  She has said that it can even be over a period of months.  But it needs to be a short period.  The one quote that hit my heart the most was this, "the space I live in is graced only with things that speak to my heart.  My life style brings me joy"  I love this, because many days I dream of being able to sit at the table and be able to just enjoy what I am doing, rather than looking around making a list of more cleaning.  Just to be able to truly enjoy your home.  I am hoping to get exactly there.  To the point where I can sit, sip my coffee, look around, and feel joy.  
Thanks for coming along on this journey.  Feel free to leave any questions or comment below.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

More Adventures!

Its October!! How did that happen?  It has been a while since I have written.  We have had lots happen.  Our little lady sprained her knee, and has been in a knee brace for the last week.  Keeping a 4yr old off her leg is rough.  However, in her rest time, she became inspired to start her own YouTube show.  She asked me if her and I could make a show like the ones she has been watching.  I love that she has made a goal, and has actually accomplished it at 4yrs old.  So we started our new YouTube Channel, "The Adventures Of K and G"  It's a work in progress, but it sure is a great way to make fun memories with her!  Check out our first episode Here

One of the new products I was able to try in the last few weeks was from a company called "It Works."  I was able to test out a wrap and some firming cream.  I met the most wonderful consultant named Elise.  I met her on Instagram.  I had noticed that she had posted many things about her faith, and I admired that.  She was a mom, and I could relate to that, and she was bold!  So we connected and she had me try a wrap.  I didn't want to post my before and after photos, because I am not that brave yet.  However, what I can tell you is, the wrap really works!  I noticed firming of my skin, and more muscle tone.  It wasn't just water weight.  Now, one wrap is not a treatment.  You need more for that, but the results from one, definitely make you want to try more.  If you want to know more, you can contact Elise at her website Here  She is a wonderful gal and will be more than willing to help you!!

I am making a list of fall adventures, so stay tuned!

Well, that is all for now!  I will be back soon with more products and more adventures!  Thanks for sticking with me and joining me on my journey!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Make the Most of Your Day

September is here and school is starting!  We are homeschooling Grace for Pre-k again this year.  She loved it last year and did so well.  This is a fun time of year. It is a great time for fresh starts.  I have been reading a lot of blogs that are talking about ways to help you make the most out of your days.  I have definitely wanted to get better at being productive, and using my time wisely.  However, almost all that I have read, tells us to get up before the kids to have a great start to your day. At this point in my life, not only is this not possible, it isn't a smart idea.  I needed to find what would work best for me, and for our kids.  Here are a few things that have worked for us:

1.  Have a 1 cup rule.  We all wake up at 5am.  Yes, for real.  So the rule is, read, watch the news, play, but let mommy have her cup of coffee first.  They of course can ask for my help, but they allow me the time it takes to finish coffee, to gather my thoughts for the day.

2.  Get dressed.  This is a common theme that echoed through all the blogs I have read.  Getting dressed simply puts your mind in "awake mode."  I definitely get more done in a day after I am dressed.  I would even add to this, have a pair of indoor only shoes.  Wearing shoes also helps keep me motivated.

3.  The last tip, and the one that is my favorite and most helpful, always keep your kitchen clean.  If my kitchen is clean, I feel like I can tackle anything.  Its weird, but try it! The rest of the house feels less overwhelming when the kitchen is clean.  I have tried to start a habit of straightening the kitchen and dishes before bed.  I don't always do the dishes before bed, but when I do, I am way happier, and more relaxed in the morning.

These are things that worked for me, try them and tell me what you do to make your day easier. i would love to hear what helps other people make the most out of their day!

I have so much to learn about blogging, but thank you for joining me on this journey, and because I have been taught that photo's always help, I will leave you with this.....

Thursday, August 27, 2015

A day in the life....

Whew, I needed a breather, so I decided to write.  This has been a long, and very noisy week.  My kids have gotten to a stage where I'm pretty certain they are competing for loudest kid award.  Tonight, they are in bed, and I am soaking up the silence.

This week has brought us some fall like weather, which I don't mind all that much!  We took some long bike rides, and played a few rounds of basket ball. Grace has really taken to cooking and baking.  I find her searching out kids cooking shows.  She also likes to experiment, chop items up and mix them together.  Today she made a chocolate chip cookie cake.

The Pinterest recipe we decided to try today was home made bread.  You can find the recipe here:The Curvy Carrot.  It is an awesome recipe.  It was easy to follow, and the bread tasted great.  The only problem we had, is that the one loaf, probably could have made two.

My product review this week is a new favorite of mine.  This canvas bag, by Tom Clovers, is an essential mommy bag.  It is fashionable, big, and has loads of pockets.  It also zips closed. It is a high quality, beautifully designed bag.  I found that I am able to carry baby stuff on one side, and mommy stuff on the other.   I definitely love this bag. You can find it on amazon Here  

Some new and exciting things coming up for the blog!  I am going to be making a Facebook page to make communication easier.  I would love to know what kind of products everyone is interested in, what kind of recipes and crafts people want to see.  I also will be featuring some of my crochet items that will be for sale.  So stay tuned for giveaways and lots of fun!  Thank you for your support as I step out of my comfort zone and explore the world of blogging!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A picture perfect moment

Summer is nearing it's end, I know, I'm in denial too.  But one of the best parts of Fall is the picture taking!  I mean, you can capture the best pictures outside in the Fall.  If you find yourself wanting family photos, wedding photos, baby photos or just portraits, let me share an amazing Photographer with you.  His name is Tom with CDT Photo.  He was born with this talent.  He captures not only the photo, but the feeling, and love behind the picture.  He gets to know you so he can capture you in your element.  We always do our pictures outdoors because, we are an outdoor kind of family.  He has done all our photos.  He is not only amazing at capturing moments, he is so good with kids. He got our oldest, very shy girl, to smile.  He even got her to smile after falling.  He is genius.  Here are some examples of  his photos:  Here  He is truly one of the best.  Please reach out and like his Facebook page Here and help him grow.  If you are in the market for a photographer in Mn, please contact him.  He is filling up fast, but he still has some sessions left for fall and winter.  He is very reasonable and his quality of photos are beyond your expectations.  You can contact him through his Facebook page for pricing.  Here are a few of my favorite examples:

Monday, August 10, 2015

Fun Adventures

I love venturing out of my comfort zone. I want to allow this blog to make people happy, inspire people to be there best. So along with product reviews, I am going to start a pinterest adventure. My little lady loves to cook and I want to capture her passion. She wanted to do a "Chopped" series, but I don't know if she is quite ready for that!? (She is 4 years old) So we will attempt different pinterest recipes and ideas and share along the way! Feel free to comment with recipes you want Grace and I to try! Join us on our new adventure!!
Until next time....

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Let's talk lashes

Wow how did time fly by so fast?! Since last time, my little man turned one, Grace learned to do running flips, and we have made lots of memories at the cabin. I love summer!

Today I want to talk about mascara.  Now I do not have short or thin lashes. My lashes are very thick and long. So I wasn't sure I needed 3d fiber mascara from Younique. However, I was given some for my birthday,  and quickly fell in love. I have blonde lashes so you can not see them unless I use mascara.  I learned how to use the mascara,  your consultant can show you, and it made such a difference that I'll never go back to regular mascara.  It is easy to use, easy to wash off with soap. I have longer lashes so this made them really look fun!

This photo shows regular mascara on my right eye (facing the pic) and one application of 3d fiber mascara on the left. This stuff is like magic. It didn't irritate my eyes at all.
While I love this mascara,  I want to also let you know they have many other awesome products. They also JUST released a new 3D fiber mascara that is even better than their first. So definitely check out the whole line.
If you want more information or want to order these products go to Cassie is an amazing consultant.  She will help you figure out which products are best for you, and answer any questions you have. She truly has your best interests at heart. Please go there now and support small business!!
Many blessings and enjoy the sun!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Lets talk Laryngomalacia

Hello! It is almost National airway defect awareness day! July 10th we are asking friends and family to pain their nails light blue to spread awareness of this infant defect. Pj was born at 37 weeks. He was small, but strong. Everything seemed fine, until they came in and said his breathing  was too fast and we couldn't hold him. That was the start to our journey. He couldn't gain weight, and he made awful sounds of gasping and screeching. He would choke and turn blue. Our pediatric dr wasn't sure what was going on. Thankfully a perfect stranger on a Facebook page suggested a condition called Laryngomalacia. I brought it up and Pj was taken to a Pediatric ENT (ear,nose,throat) He was amazing. He took one look down Pj's airway, and Pj was immediately scheduled for surgery 2 days later. He is now almost 1yr old and doing well. He is walking and starting to be on the growth chart! This defect could have been critical had it not been caught. I'm so thankful for our angel and now hoping to get word out to help other babies. So please, July 10th paint your nails light blue! 
The company Good Earth Beauty sent us this awesome polish. 
It is all natural and non toxic. It goes on smooth, and it is so shiny! You only need about 2 coats. Best comes of easy with remover, but takes a long time to chip on your nails!! Check them out Here!!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Heat...Curls...and Headbands!!!

Hey all!!! So this hot weather has resulted in one happy girl with really curly hair! I have always loved headbands, but with loads of hair and a big head....they just don't work. That is until I found these sweet bands by Silly Yogi!!! 

They are super comfortable. No headband headache, and they do not pull your hair. They stay in place perfectly...and they are so cute! The price is on point for these quality made headbands! Check them out Here!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A summer cold and a product review

Hey all!
Well we have had a summer cold creep through our house. I was sure I was in the clear, and then today I woke up with the dreaded sore throat. It has started. Thankfully I have plenty of essential oils and pro biotics so I will survive. (If anyone wants to bring soup over I wouldn't say no;)
Today I want to share a really fun and functional kitchen essiental. They a are called "Expand-A-Lid" from Spice 'n Spoon.
These lids are awesome. So when you clear the table and can not find a lid, just grab one of these lids and stretch over the top of th bowl or plate. I used it on my cup when outside to keep creatures out. They are dishwaher and  freezer safe. They fit over virtually every bowl or plate. It comes in a 6 pack with all different sizes. The price point is great!  These would make great gifts, and get some for yourslf too! Check them out Here!
Stay tuned this week for a new beauty product review and some light blue nail polish for Infant airway defect awareness day!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Happy Birthday Shout Out and A little Review

Today is a such a beautiful day, and such a special day.  I want to give a very special Birthday shout out to my Lovely Mother In Law.  She is such a wonderful gal, and such an incredible Grandma.  I am excited that we get to celebrate her today!  She raised such an incredible family with loads of Love.  So...Happy Birthday Mom!  Hope your day finds you in the best possible way!!!
Along with birthday, we may as well acknowledge the awesome heat today!  I love spending the day in the sprinklers and sun.  The kiddos are having a blast splashing and playing.  What a great day!

I have found, in the last few weeks, that Grace may have inherited my love for purses.  She wants to buy every one she sees.  So when the wonderful people at Back From Bali sent us this purse, Grace was elated.

This patchwork purse has sparkly sequins all over the body of it.  This made G so happy. It has a Velcro close flap, for easy open and close.  It is big enough to hold everything a little lady needs, yet small enough for them to carry around.  It has an adjustable strap for length as well.  It is also quite durable.  This purse has been everywhere with us, and it is as good as when she first got it.  If you need a gift for a little lady, this is a great place to start!!! You can check them out Here.
These are Gracie's thoughts: Gracie's Thoughts

Get out, enjoy the weather, and have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Hello rainy day, Let's make a video review!

We are diving into the wonderful world of video reviews. Im not gret at this yet. You will probably get a kick out of them. Guest appearances by our cats and Pj too!  So enjoy and let it make you smile.
Today we are talking about mini makeup. This is a gift every little lady wold love. It feels as close to real make up as you can get.  This is the Mini-Clutch purse kit Girls Pretend make up by Mini-Play makeup.  It comes with pretend blush and eyeshadow.  It feels as close to real as you can get. It also has lip gloss (pretend) but has a real roller ball. A full set of real (but mini) make up brushes with a little bag for them, are also included.  All of this is stored in an adorable make up bag. Im telling you, this is perfect.  G absolutely loves it. She feels like she is really putting makeup on. It is a must have.

Here are Gracies thoughts:
So there you have it. Mini-Makeup has made the perfect pretend make up set! You can find it on amazonHere or go to their site for their full line!
Make it a great day friends!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Okiedog Suitcase

This brand focuses on products made with saftey,and kids enjoyment , in mind. This suitcase is light weight. G is able to actually carry it around, even when packed. If it gets caved in, you can easily pop it back out. It zips closed and has a strap for carrying, along with a handle. It can hold a lot of clothes. It is also absolutely adorable. G has been carrying it around since she got it. She has put everything and anything in it. She just loves it. I strongly encourage you to visit their website. They have amazing customer service, and they are offering promo code "3303" good for 20% off only at It'll be good until Aug 31, 2015. They are a home grown company and would love for everyone to check them out!!! 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A day in the life...

What a soggy day we had yesterday!  When it rains like that, and we are at the cabin, we play outside in the puddles! We had so much fun splashimg ans getting all muddy!
She loved the puddles!  We alos did a lot of fishing.  Miss G seemed to outfish us all. I guess her papa and daddy taught her well.  
There is nothing better than family time.  We will have a fish fry tonight for sure! 
Stay tuned for a super cool product review Soon. And for those that missed Gracies first video review check her out on you tube! 
Sentey headphones review:

Thursday, May 21, 2015

New fav!

It's Friday eve!! Hope your week has been treating you well. I had a rough going last night. A headache of all headaches. But we have been blessed with a great Chiropractor and a boss (my husband's boss) that is so caring and understanding, that James was able to come home and take me in. Today is a much better day. it's funny because you really appreciate great days when you have pain at the level it was at. So here is to today!!
So I wanted to share a new fav of mine. I told James that I needed another bag. Or better yet bag organizer. I looked at so many, but this one caught my eye. The folks at #simplyputgoods provides this amazing organizer. It holds every item in my purse. It is made from felt, so it is very sturdy and doesn't flop closed in your bag. It has lots of pockets inside and out. I can fit everything I need to. I love how quickly I can change hand bags now, and trust me, I do that a lot!
Thanks #simplyputgoods for a fantastic organizer!
Now ladies go get one!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Teething and Coffee

Happy Tuesday! I hope you all are having a great week so far. Pj finally popped thru his second tooth so this explains the mood he has been in all week...
Which brings me to my next product review. The folks at #Grosche provided this amazing coffe press. Just when I thought someone stole the caffeine from my coffee, I found this. The french press. Not only is this press absolutely adorable in color,  it makes amazing, smooth, rich Coffee. I couldn't believe how simple it was to use, and because it is dishwasher safe, clean up was fast and easy too! Love this.
I also am excited to tell you about our next adventure.  Grace has decided to start reviewing with me, so in the next few days we will attempt our first video review. Stay tuned, and feel free to leave comments and connect with us!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Saturday Mornings with Pj

Pj is reaching milestones left and right! This makes me so happy! We were told Laryngomalacia babies will have delays, however, Pj had been exceeding everyone's expectations! This morning he stood for a while on his own! So proud!!
Now for a fun day ahead, just mommy and Pj.
Check out his adorable bandana bib by Limebaby!  I'm in love! They fit so nicely, and are super absorbent. Pj loves them. He even keeps them on! The attach with a small snap in the back. They are awesome!

Baby Bandana Drool Bibs with Adjustable Snaps - For Boys/Unisex - 4-Pack - Made with High Quality Absorbent Cotton - Teething Bib for Infants & Toddlers - 100% Money Back Guarantee

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A little life and a quick review

Hey all! It has been quite a week. We had a blast at the cabin. Grace is counting "sleeps" until we can go again. The hubby got food poisoning. That is not fun at all. Throw in a teething baby, and this momma hasn't slept in a while. Good thing Caribou Coffe is close by!
In other news, I am going to start posting some of the pinterest wins for dinners as I make them. (I'm new to blogging so be patient and cheer me on!) And I have found, by far, the BEST ear buds I have ever used. @Sentey has the most comfortable, best fitting, crystal clear ear buds. I will be a forever fan! Check them out here:

Monday, May 4, 2015

Lip Balm by Lip Struck

Welcome back from the most beautiful weekend!  We spent the whole weekend at the cabin. I can't get enough of this sunshine! Along with sun comes dry, cracking lips. So i tried the new lip Balm by Lip Struck.
Product claims:
100% All Natural Ingredients, MADE IN THE USA
4-Count 0.15 oz Variety Pack - Peppermint, Original, Herbal Mint, Vanilla
Healing Lip Therapy With Vitamin E, Aloe Vera, And Beeswax
Glides On Silky Smooth And Leaves Lips Feeling Soft And Supple

I found this lip Balm to be amazing! I love that it is 100% natural. My lips were hydrated. It didn't leave them feeling dried out later either. I love that there are multiple flavors in this pack. I also love that it is made in the USA! If you need lip Balm check out Lip Struck!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Xtava Collapsable Diffuser Review

HappyThursday! Im back and ready to review this awesome hair diffuser by Xtava. Here are the product claims:

Designed for easy storage and travel. Simply press the diffuser down or pull the top up to compact or extend the device. 

With its elastic silicone texture, diffuser can easily adapt to a variety of hair dryers(6" to 7" inch barrel-fbarrel-fits well with all Xtava hair dryers - except the Rimini model)

Maximizes shine with every use while controlling and reducing the Web unwanted side effects of blow drying,  including risk of hair damage.

I felt that this would be a perfect product to try. I have thick, curly/frizzy hair. I love the difuser for help  with giving structure to my curls.
The Xtava diffuser didnt fit on my dryer, but with a minor adjustment I was able to make it fit. I loved how it worked on my hair. Finished with nicely formed curls. One thing I am cautious about with diffuser is my hair dropping down the holes and burning. Xtava made it so that this didn't happen. Overall, this Xtava collapsable diffuser was not only great tous see, but pefect for travel too!
See you all with my next review!